Valuing Differences, Appreciating All


Every Day—Every Person

At Hometown America, we value and support our team members and our residents, always appreciating and respecting the likenesses and differences of each individual. This comes through in our hiring practices, our workplace culture, and our interactions with both our residents and the broader community.


A Different Kind of Growth

A setting for success is a place where we can all thrive.
Diversity, for us, includes innate characteristics, experiences, and choices we’ve made that form our personalities and individual identities. Equity promotes fairness, justice and impartiality within policies, practices, and resource distribution. Inclusion at Hometown America is making sure every individual feels welcomed, respected, supported, and valued.

All together, these pieces form a company that can positively impact the world, from the inside out. And, as we grow our company, we know we must do so carefully and consciously.

For years, we’ve provided an affordable housing option to an increasingly diverse resident base and hold each other responsible for demonstrating our core values: accountability, communication, empowerment, inclusion, integrity and service.

Today, and in the coming years, we will continue to strive to be a place where our team member’s diverse attributes will be paramount to our success.

For everyone

Come As You Are


DEI is intrinsically connected to our mission. It helps ensure the well-being of everyone that comes in contact with Hometown America.


We’re open and honest about progress in our DEI initiatives without excuses—just a steady pattern of growth.


We encourage every team member, with their unique skills, experiences, and perspectives, to participate and contribute to the company’s success. We lead with respect and acceptance, committing time and resources to build diverse teams with inclusive leaders.


The work to include everyone is never done—there are always improvements to be made, which we seek out, and commit our time and resources to. We challenge and explore anything that gets in the way of inclusion. We advocate for and support broad thinking about how inequities impact our work, including how to daily address these inequities.

Reach out today!

If you’re ready to start enjoying a comfortable community lifestyle, contact Hometown America today.